Friday 13 April 2012

Benefits of Communication Technology

8. Benefits of Communication Technology

Communication Technology is an essential elements in our life.  Communication Technology can help us to be more profitable.  Communication Technology help us to gain an information easily whereby we can save our energy and time.  By gain more information through Communication Technology, it help us to be more profitable.  For example, assignments need a lot of information regarding the selected topic.  Here communication technology playing an important in collecting the data regarding the assignment.  Through by hobby, exploring internet (communication technology), myself will be more profitable

Communication Technology help in decision making.  Problems can be solved through communication technology.  For example, we have been shifted to new place and face some difficulties.  In this situation, communication technology can help us to get the place very well.  General Packet Radio Services which is known as GPRS help us to get known the place history.  On the other hand, Global Positioning System which known as GPS also help in decicion making.  The GPS is a space-based satelite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.  For example, whenever we plan for a vacation activities, we can update the weather condition through GPS (communication technology).  This help myself to be more profitable in my life.

We also can gain more knowledge through communication technology.  In this globalization era, we should update ourselves with the development of world to be more profitable.  We should always concern on what is happening around us and gain more knowledge.  Through exploring internet, i can manage myself to be more profitable.  Exploring internet can help myself to be updated whereby i use to concern regarding the issues the happening around me.  For example, recently the issue regarding the earthquake which occurs on 11th April 2012, help me to gain more knowledge on how the earthquake occurred.  Besides that, through exploring internet i can update myself with world's current news.  So by this, myself will be more profitable through my hobby.

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